
Eva Pina works from the sketch to the last detail of each sculpture.

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2023. “United colors by Artishow”

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29 April – 4 May

Galleri Engleson

Göteborg – Sweden




Her creations have a soul of their own, and whisper to us states of the human being that remain forever latent in her sculptures.
The observer will make an incursion into mental reconstruction, enjoying an experience away from realism and the figurative.

She shows us how she works with abstraction, by means of textures and angles, fragmenting lines through geometrical figures… She plays with light and shadow and the lost of perspective. Her creations evoke emotions, make us reflect, invite us to discover what the piece narrates through our own sensations and memories; they are creations that catch us and move us.


Ambivalent Sides XII

Pink Portuguese Marble and wood 

37 x 23 x 21 cm 

Ambivalent Sides II

Yellow Macael Marble and Wood

49 x 34 x 25 cm 

Ambivalent Sides I

Black Calatorao Marble and Iron

52 x 26 x 26 cm 

Shadows and Longings

White Macael Marble and Blue Silestone

24 x 25 x 17 cm 

Ambivalent Sides XII

Black Calatorao Marble and Wood

37 x 23 x 21 cm

… so Far and so Closed …

White Macael Marble and Red Silestone

35 x 22 x 18 cm 

Ambivalent Sides IV

Pink Portuguese Marble and Iron

35 x 29 x 26 cm

Mysticism as dialogue



Project carried out between Jorge Valdivia and Eva Pina

Dedicado ao silêncio-Música que nâo morre


“… The dialogue that took place between both, produced a universe of results, the craniums converted into ideas and beauty intervened with materials, color and darkness, meet the paintings as if they were a backdrop. The set is a ritual and a mise-en-scene that is like a parenthesis in which breath is kept. It is the song that eyes and touch produce…”

By: Pablo Rafael de la Madrid, writer, poet, Culture Counsellor, Portugal Mexican Embassy. November, 2018


Skull II

Polychrome cedar wood, methacrylate and fabric

21 x 15 x 24 cm

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“If you want me not to forget you,
if you want me to remember you,
play happy sounds, my life
music that does not die “

(La Martiniana – Son indígena, Lila Downs)

Skull IV

White marble from Macael and wayruros

21 x 19 x 23 cm


Skull VIII

Polychrome pine wood and fabric ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

19 x 18 x 22 cm

“Dreams and memory”